GSFC University is promoted by GSFC Ltd as part of its corporate social responsibility programme, the initiative was launched in 2010, with the formation of the GSFC Education Society.​
GSFC then applied to the State Government for recognition of GSFC University under the Gujarat Private University Act early in 2014 and the Letter of Intent was granted in July 2014. School of Technology (SoT) began its operations at Training Institute located at Fertilizernagar from academic session 2015. In 2016, School of Science (SoS) came up and in 2017, School of Management (SoM) was introduced. Recently, we have started a new School of Fire and Safety (SoFS).
University is duty bound to manage its finances, estates and people in open, transparent and legally compliant way. As detailed in First Statutes, University is governed by the Governing Body (GB) and Board of Management (BOM).
Governing Body of university comprises of eminent Industrialists; Educationists; Management, Finance and Legal experts; and Representatives of senior cadre from the Government and Social sector. The University shall operate under the superintendence, control and direction of the Governing Body, which will be the supreme authority of the University.
They have been endowed with the powers such as to control functioning of the University, reviewing decisions of any authority, approving budget and annual report, policies, appointment of senior positions, etc. Broadly, their main objective is to take any action in the benefit of the University as it deems fit.
Board of Management comprises of all current members of the Governing Body as well as the Provost and Directors of the University. The main objective of the Board of Management is to support the Governing Body in the matter of organizational, administrative, statutory, financial, legal management of the University. They have been endowed with the powers of monitoring and reviewing of implementation of annual budget, introducing new courses or cancelling a course if necessary, approving fees of students, reviewing QC reports submitted by EDC, conferring degree or diploma to students, etc.
Principal Officers involved in governance
The President is the head of University and possesses powers delegated by GB / BOM. He shall have the power of general superintendence and management under the overall supervision of the Governing Body.
He shall preside the meetings of the governing body and is the Chairperson of the Governing Body and Board of Management. He also has the authority to appoint Provost and other officers of the University. He shall exercise such other powers as may be delegated by the Governing Body and Board of Management from time to time.
The organizational structure of the University is greatly influenced and very similar to that of an Industry. The Provost, Director (Administration) and Director (Executive Development Centre) shall report to the President.
There are three distinct verticals.​
Headed by the Provost with a team of academic coordinator, course coordinators, teaching staff.
The Provost shall be appointed by the Governing Body of University out of the panel of three persons recommended by the Search committee.
He shall be the principal executive and academic officer of the University and shall exercise general superintendence and control over the academic affairs of the University.
Headed by Director (Administration) with team of Finance, Procurement, HR, Legal, Facility and Marketing professionals. The student counsellors also report to Director (Administration).
Director (Administration) to be appointed by the President and will be equal to the Provost in the rank. He shall be the principal administrative officer of the University and shall exercise general superintendence and control over the affairs administration of the University.
Managers and Executives of modern day organizations need to continuously hone their skills and upgrade their business acumen, to stay abreast of industry trends and leverage upon emerging opportunities. To instill these employability skills, GSFC University has established the Management Development Centre which is an independent vertical of GSFC University & is mandated to provide technical & training related support to the industry in Gujarat by leveraging the strength of GSFC University.
The centre is currently headed by the Provost with a dedicated team consisting of the Chief Certification Programmes & Training Officers having proven track record in the area of learning & development. Provost to be appointed by the President and shall be responsible for making the strategic decisions to steer the centre towards becoming a management training centre of repute among the industries.
The centre offers training programmes for executive trainees/graduate engineer trainees & management trainees employed by any industry undertaking, business related programmes for the potential young entrepreneurs, tailor-made programmes catering to the industrial needs & skill based programmes for budding young aspirant searching for industrial jobs.
Board of Studies (BoS)
The BoS members are appointed for a period of 3 years. 50% of the members are well known industrialists, consultants or experts in the field and the other 50% are senior academicians. They formulate and review syllabus and internship programs every six months which addresses employability quotient. The idea is to create the curriculum in such a way that it reduces the gap in supply-demand-employability equation.
The curriculum includes activities that promotes social responsibility and civic engagement, and is delivered in a unique pedagogy
​Faculties work closely with the industry and courses are developed in consultation with senior professionals to ensure that students learn contemporary techniques and best practices. 30% of the syllabus is covered by Visiting Faculties drawn from industries to make a competent team with a combination of academics and industry.
Student Counsellors
Student Counselors are fresh graduates inclined towards teaching. They are responsible for supporting the professors, visiting faculty as well as guiding, assisting and counseling, inspiring Students in academics and various other activities. They act as a bridge between faculty and students and will provide peripheral inputs to the students like remedial counseling, assistance in practical classes, plant visit during internship and otherwise evaluation of answer sheet by helping the regular faculties.
GSFC University Student Managed Teams
University is giving full emphasis on shared governance principle, and the major stakeholders – Students, are included in governance of University affairs. Student voice is integrated into the governance, not just in principle but in real practice. For truly consultative partnership they are involved in decision making. Some of the Teams formulated are listed below with their brief functions.
Library Management Team (GULMT): Library team will monitor and ensure proper library facility through strategic planning, information systems and applications, promote library and information services. Manage information of resources to faculty, students and staff, promote and circulate MOOC course and other online courses information.
Placement Management Team (GUPMT): Placement Team Shall look after placement related activities, inviting and liaison with the companies, Organizing pre-placement talks, PDP session, circulating information for the various companies their recruitment polices, analysis, ensuring students availability during interviews etc.
Sports & Cultural Activities Management Team (GUSCAMT): Sports team shall provide free facilities to play sports such as football, hockey, cricket, golf, squash, basketball, badminton, tennis and also karate, athletics, swimming absolutely free of cost.
IT Team (GUITT): IT Team will monitor web content its authenticity, news and recent happening in and around the campus, all the information related with the academics, facility, management, sports, clubs and various other information pertaining to Web Portal.
Event Management Team (GUEMT): Event Management Team shall look after planned and excellent execution of all the events organized in university.
Hostel Management Team (GUHMT): Hostel management Team shall look after complete management of hostel facilities, right form boarding, lodging, menu, recreation, discipline, housekeeping, safety and ensuring proper management of Hostel for the wellbeing and comfort of its occupants.
Facilities Management Team (GUFMT): Facility Management Team shall look after Floor wise management facilities of university buildings.
Structures exist for enhancement of student participation in governance and in the making specific decisions that affect the academic and social welfare. Their constituent members, roles and responsibilities, agenda, tenure etc are defined in team manuals