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One Day workshop on Cyber Security

IT Club, GSFC University organized One Day Workshop on Cyber Security Workshop on 30th September 2019 for students of GSFC University. In this workshop 103 students from School of Science, School of Management, School of Fire & Safety and School of Technology participated. Speaker for the workshop was Dr Sarvesh Trivedi.


Prof Sarvesh Trivedi is from SEMCOM College, Gujrat. He serves as an Asst Professor in the area of Information Technology and E-Commerce. He carries 24 years of Academic as well as Industrial experience. Prior to SEMCOM, he worked with WIPRO and HP and rendered his service as a Corporate Trainer to many companies. To name few, Alembic Chemicals, Gujarat Heavy Water Project, Indian Oil Corporation Limited, Dinesh Mills, Gujarat Industries Power Corporation Limited, Vidya Dairy, IRMA etc and trained more than 2000 executives. He is a regular speaker on Cybercrime and Cybersecurity to various Universities and Colleges. He has also trained more than 2000 Professors and 5000 students of various colleges.


Dr Trivedi has steered more than 150 websites so far at PG level. One of his website "Vidyog2005" was inaugurated by former H'ble Chief Minister (now H’ble Prime Minister) Shri Narendra Modi. Apart from Website Development, he bears keen interest on Networking & Security side. He is Microsoft Certified Professional, Ethical Hacker, Certified Cybercrime Investigator, Certified Cyberoam Network Security Professional and currently pursuing Data Privacy Professional Certification from Data Security Council of India and Diploma in Cyber Law from Gov Law College, MUMBAI. He was nominated as a member in Indian Delegation to study Cyber Security from ISRAEL by CII.


During this workshop students learned about basic concepts of cyber security. Dr Sarvesh shared and discussed real case studies related to Cyber-attacks and cyber-crime. During the session he also covered topics like Architecture of Internet, Securing email accounts, Importance of password selection, securing social media accounts, structures of DDoS attacks and types, also about safe online transactions. Students also learned about steganography, and various other way of hiding and spreading information and malware. Attacks like phishing, spoofing, Trojan, logbombs, backdoors, worms etc were also demonstrated with real examples and case studies. Students also learned about Information Technology Act, 2000 (also known as ITA-2000, or the IT Act) is an Act of the Indian Parliament (No 21 of 2000) notified on 17 October 2000. It is the primary law in India dealing with cybercrime and electronic commerce.


This was a very informative and useful workshop for students of GSFC University.

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